< Mitroz | Mobile app & web Development Company

TV Based app for campaign management

Developing a TV-based app for campaign management presents several challenges, including designing an intuitive user interface, managing multimedia content, integrating with existing platforms, ensuring scalability, providing real-time analytics and maintaining security and compliance.
6 Months
10 Members
SignaXe’s founders were looking for a Technology partner, who can develop their SAAS based platform and also guide them through the process of Product ideation to product launching from technology perspective.

  • User Interface (UI) Design: to create an appealing but smooth way to navigate a tv display screen.
  • Content Management:To successfully manage large quantities of multimedia content.
  • Integration with Campaign Platforms: Easy integration of the TV app with present marketing campaign control structures.
  • User Authentication and Security: Ensure steady admission to and records protection.
  • Performance Optimization: Keep the application strolling and not use a put-off or time put-off.
The project details
We suggested technology that would be the best fit for SignaXe users and helped them develop a product: a TV-based app for Campaign Management.

  • Integration with Campaign Platforms:
    Develop APIs to integrate the TV app with existing campaign management platforms. Make sure seamless data synchronization between the app and any other external system. Provide plug-and-play solutions across popular platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.
  • Scalability:
    Cloud-based services will be used to manage the increasing loads and huge amounts of data. Microservices architecture will help manage different components independently.
  • Real-time Data and Analytics:
    Integrate real–time analytics to track campaign performance. Provide interactive dashboards featuring key metrics and visualizations. Push notification for critical updates and alerts.
  • User Authentication and Security:
    Provide robust authentication mechanisms like OAuth or SSO. Ensure encryption of data at rest and in transit.
  • Compliance with Broadcasting Standards:
    Also, make sure that the application fully complies with regional broadcasting standards and regulations. Add a filtering mechanism with appropriate settings according to age.

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