Pharma Company sales Distribution ERP Devlopment

Our software house has designed a customized ERP solution to optimize the distribution cycle of one of the leading pharma companies in Pharma Sales. Second, it has smoothened operations related to inventory management, sales tracking and supply chain logistics. It helped our development empower efficient operations, increase productivity and improve profitability in the fast-changing pharmaceutical industry environment.
18 Months
8 Members
C.P.C founders were looking for a Technology partner, who can develop their SAAS based platform and also guide them through the process of Product ideation to product launching from technology perspective.

  • Complex Sales Structure: Quite often, pharma companies have complex sales structures that involve distributors, wholesalers and retailers, which creates problems in effectively tracking and managing sales data.
  • Stock and Inventory Management: This is about managing multi-location inventory and its replenishment on time so that demand is met without stock-out conditions.
  • Compliance: Pharmaceutical companies are heavily regulated. The regulations under which the companies involved in this industry operate make it complex to develop an ERP.
  • Data Security: Pharmaceutical organizations have critical information about patients and intellectual property-related data. They require adequate security measures for protection against data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: The challenge of integration with existing systems and databases—such as CRM and financial systems—without causing an upheaval in operations is significant.
The project details
We suggested technology that will be the best fit for the C.P.C. users and helped them develop a product—Web-Based App.

Developing a customized ERP solution, need-based, for the Pharma Company, with features like Complex Sales Structure Management, Multi-location Inventory Management. Features Ensuring
  • Customized ERP Development:
    Developing a customized ERP solution, need-based, for the Pharma Company, with features like Complex Sales Structure Management, Multi-location Inventory Management. Features Ensuring
  • Regulatory Compliance Features:
    Build into the ERP system industry regulatory compliance provisions, batch number control, expiration dates and product recalls.
  • Data Security Provisions:
    The sensitive information shall be safeguarded by implementing robust data security measures; these to include but not be limited to data encryption, access controls, regular security audits, etc.
  • Combinations work:
    The new ERP will have robust integration capabilities so that it fits seamlessly into existing systems, databases, etc., without disrupting as much operation as possible.
  • Training and Support:
    Monitoring and additional support, comprehensive training for pharma company employees to adopt and effectively implement the new ERP system.

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