Web app development for Horse Show event management

Web app development for horse show event management streamlines scheduling, registration, payments and real-time updates, enhancing efficiency and communication. It addresses unique challenges, ensuring seamless and effective event operations.
3 Months
5 Members
IHOA’s founders were looking for a Technology partner, who can develop their SAAS based platform and also guide them through the process of Product ideation to product launching from technology perspective.

  • Complex Scheduling Coordination: Coordinating various stakeholders like judges, participants and organizers.
  • Registration and Payment Processing: Securely processing payments and managing financial transactions.
  • Real-Time Updates and Notifications: Providing real-time updates on event schedules, results and changes.
  • User Authentication: Ensuring secure access for different user roles (e.g., admin, judge, participant).
  • Data Management: Storing and managing large volumes of data related to participants, horses and events.
The project details
We suggested technology which will be best fit for IHOA users and helped them to develop 2 products - Wyblo Edu App and Wyblo Corporate.

  • Advanced Scheduling System:
    Implement a dynamic scheduling module that permits clean advent and change of occasions. Using automated warfare detection to save you parallel systems.
  • Secure Online Registration and Payment Gateway Integration:
    To create a stable online registration shape with agree with. Connecting with depended-on charge gateways like PayPal or Stripe for secure transactions.
  • Real-Time Update Mechanism:
    Using WebSockets or push notifications for immediate updates. To use a notification device that sends indicators through electronic mail or SMS.
  • Robust Authentication and Authorization:
    Role-Based Activation Activation (RBAC). Using stable authentication methods including OAuth or -thing authentication (2FA).
  • Comprehensive Data Management:
    Using a Using scalable database answers such as MySQL or MongoDB. To enforce records verification and backup techniques.

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