Tickiting Software Integration of Auto Task and Accelo

Auto Task
We are going to discuss how one of the giants in software integrated Tickiting Software with Autotask and Accelo, making a big run to bring consistency into their system of ticket management and project tracking. Learn the problems they encountered, solutions they did implement and the quality time saved from operation.
6 Months
5 Members
The founders of the Auto Task were looking for a tech partner—one who could develop their SAAS-based platform and also guide them through the process of product ideation until the launching of the product from a tech perspective.

  • Data Synchronization: Real-time data integration between Auto Task and Accelo.
  • System Compatibility: Resolving issues with any kind of incompatibility that was seen to exist between the two software systems.
  • User Authentication: Safe, seamless authentication of users on both platforms
  • Data Mapping: Fields mapping is very accurate, so it will keep the integrity of the data from Auto Task to Accelo
  • Performance Issues: Bottlenecks in performances during transfer to be handled.
The project details
We suggested what technology would best fit the Auto Task user and helped in the development of a product: Web-Based App.

  • Real-Time Sync:
    Development of middleware that will assist in real-time data synchronization between these two: Auto Task and Accelo.
  • API Bridging:
    Developing API Connectors that are custom to bridge compatibility gaps between APIs provided by Auto Task and Accelo.
  • Field Mapping Tools:
    Tools for custom field mapping and workflow integration to be created for the lining up of functionalities between both platforms.
  • Robust Error Handling:
    Full error handling and logging mechanisms should be provided for tracing and fixing defects in the integration.
  • Performance Monitoring:
    tools will be set up so that the integration does not degrade the system performance.

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